First swim alone.....
Then.. March '07
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
"First Walk" on the street...... Alone..
Dictated by
donovan tan
Friday, October 05, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Woww... 'Slam Dunk' at 14 months.....
(Must see.....)
Dictated by
donovan tan
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
My FiRsT tiMe in a Cinema....
Daddy and mummy have always been debating when to bring me along for movies. They worry about my short attention span, my tolerance level to sit down for more than 1 hour without moving around and if my screams will disturb the other patrons...
To their surprise, I was able to sit through the entire Shrek 3 movie... Woww.. They were so proud of me... I'm proud of myself too.. hahahaaa....
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
敢死队 (The dare-devils troop)
Daddy says I can be a potential cadet in the army's 敢死队 (The dare-devils troop). That was because of another of my infamous stunts....
Daddy was busy at the computer while Mummy was enjoying her bath. I was as usual, left to explore the room. Suddenly, Daddy heard an unfamiliar rattling sound. At the turn of his head brought him a shock! My fingers were caught in the fan, blocking the propeller and preventing them from functioning properly. ''Ouch'' cried daddy. But I was cool.... But I 哭 when Daddy adjusted the fan to a higher position.... Sob.. No more playing...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, June 03, 2007
The C-鸡(hokkien) WARRR..... Watermelon WARRR....
After dinner yesterday evening, I spotted Mum with a slice of totally tempting watermelon. A few attempts to charm her into giving it to me failed as I wasn't satisfied with the bite-sized one she gave me. I resorted to using tears and Mummy conceded the slice of watermelon to me. Hahahaha.... I won! So I indulged to my heart's content!
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
''My Frustrating Toy'' FOREWORD
Hi all, its me again. Below is yet another of my infamous stunts. You may find my acts puzzling and profound. Indeed they are. Let me explain...
Since I mastered the crawling technique some months ago, I've cultivated a liking for exploration. Probably I'll be an explorer like Columbus in the future, well, no one really knows. So I chanced upon mummy's seashell belt and was enticed by the sound it makes when it hits the floor. But the belt was too long and cumbersome for me to handle! So I ended up battling with it.
If you ever wondered why I kept circling around on my bums, well, I have no answer to that. However, mummy observed that whenever I am focused on a particular task, I would circle round and round on my bums. Like I did when I'm working on a sweet juicy pear.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
SShhhhhh..... I have a secret....
Mummy and Daddy just revealed a secret to me. But since it is a secret, Im not supposed to say.... Opps.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday, May 21, 2007
Let me say this loud and clear... I JUST CUT MY FIRST TOOTH! Although all of you may find this super late, but we always believed its better late than never right? Well, my proud mummy was the first to discover the tiny sprout and she screamed with all her might. That shocked my grandparents and great-grandfather who was watching the television.
Now, I simply bite on anything I can lay my tooth on. So proud to have that white pearly on my clear pink gums. Mummy says, if my teeth grow later than others, it just mean that I'll be able to keep them later than others too! Watch out all aunties and uncles, when you are boh-geh, I'll laugh at you!! Hahahahahaha...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, May 21, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
My first word
I'm proud to announce to the world that I SAID MY FIRST WORD! Apart from words like ma-ma and pa-pa, my first English word was........... ''BUTTON''. This word caught my attention everytime I toyed with the buttons found on Daddy's shirt. I loved playing with the buttons as they are colourful and they come with a variety of patterns. Daddy would always repeat the word 'button' whenever I lay my hands on them.
Now, Daddy and Mummy would say the word with me repeating after them and thereafter, sparked off a series of laughter. Were they laughing at me??
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, May 07, 2007
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
How time flies
From a vulnerable newborn, our lovely bundle of miracle had grown into a bubbly and cheeky little tot. Like a bunny with a dozen Energizer batteries, baby Donovan is always running into mischief, driven by his curiosity. There was never a quiet or boring moment with baby Donovan around. He was indeed our pride and joy.
We're thankful for baby Donovan to have entered our lives, bringing us lots of smiles and laughter. We look forward to growing up with you, sharing your every joy and sorrows.
Daddy and Mummy love you.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
Our First Family MTV... Hold on TIGHT!! Or you will 'Flip' hahaha..
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, March 26, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Bye-Bye Kiss-Kiss
Oh! I've managed to charm mummy and daddy again! This time, they were fascinated when I wave my hands whenever I hear the words 'bye bye'. Haaa, couldn't remember how I picked up the trick. However, every time after I waved bye bye, my cheeks will inevitably be wet as mummy and daddy will be raining kisses all over my face! Someone get me a tissue please....!!
Dictated by
donovan tan
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, February 26, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 2, 2007
Poor daddy... :(
Daddy went for his reservist on 29th January, but he still get to come back home every night. No matter how late daddy was released from his camp, he will still 'fly' back home to be with mummy and I. At least i get to 'bully' daddy for awhile.. hahaha...
However, from today onwards, daddy will not be able to come back home until 9th February. Daddy told me that he will be staying in the jungle for 1 whole week. Poor daddy.. :( Although it is only 1 week, mummy and I will still miss daddy very much.. I know that daddy will miss us very much too....
(ps: Daddy you can take this opportunity to fulfil your new year resolution.. 'SLIM DOWN'... heheheeee...)
Dictated by
donovan tan
Friday, February 02, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Congee adventure
Hi everyone, as you can see, I am almost 6 months old. Mummy had always wanted me to move on to more solid food like porridge. Finally she had the chance to experiment. Today, she prepared carrot, sweet corn, ikan bilis with Australian 珍珠米 for me... It was splendid! I ate them up with glee. Hope there's more of such gourmet from now on...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
A 'Close Encounter'
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Left, right? No problem!
Mummy says Im a shocker baby. Just because I would shock her occassionally with my little tricks and stunts. Yesterday, I was playing and chewing one of my toy, then I passed the toy from right hand to my left. That left Mummy screaming to daddy in excitement. Aiyo... like that only what, no need to 大惊小怪 right? Guess Mummy didnt expect me to learn this trick so soon. But Im cool-don remember? Hahaha...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Monday, January 8, 2007
Sunday, January 7, 2007
A Usual Saturday...
As usual, all Saturdays are spent at my great-grandfather's house. Yesterday was no different. Except that I managed to kickstart my first step with the walker, resulting in a pleasantly stunned Mummy. She quickly filmed down my cruising adventure. At that point, mummy's face looked very cool... like cucumber... But I know she can hardly contain the pride as I'm slowly achieving my milestones.
In the evening, we went to attend 表夷's wedding dinner. I was very happy to see so many of my relatives, especially my cousins.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Daddy and Mummy went back to work :'(
Today is the first day of school, not for me though, but for my dearest Daddy and Mummy. My parents are both teachers and they had to get up really early in order to reach school before the session begins. I missed them very much when I woke up without them :'( However, I was a good boy when left in the care of our domestic helper, Eni.
I was exhilarated when Daddy and Mummy came home from work. Though they were tired, they played with me until bedtime. As usual, Daddy and Mummy would sing lullaby to me and pat me till I drift off to my dreamland. Well, its time to ZZzzz...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Aunty Vivian and Uncle Alan's ROMToday was aunty Vivian and uncle Alan's ROM in a restaurant at Clarke Quay. Daddy and Mummy brought me over to aunty Vivian's house in the
morning and we watched the make-up artist 'paint' aunty VIvian's face. Wow! Aunty Vivian's face was more colourful than Mummy's face. Haha.
At the restaurant, we took many photographs of ourselves (opps... haha) and Daddy Mummy really enjoyed the scrumptious spread. I enjoyed myself too! Hope there are more weddings to attend! !
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Looking back at 2006
2006 was undoubtedly an eventful year for Daddy and Mummy. Aspiring to be young parents, Daddy and Mummy understood the sacrifices necessary and embrace parenthood at the age of 30 and 25 respectively. My arrival delighted many and I am synonymous with contentment. Mummy often look back at her pregnancy journey with a smile; I know she misses the kicking sensation I gave her. Sometimes I can tell that mummy is blaming me for the state of her postpartum figure. Opps...
For year 2007, Daddy's resolution is to lose weight. (We'll see if that happens heheheeee....) Mummy on the other hand wishes to achieve work-life balance. I know she can do that as women can multi-task better than men, isn't it? For me.... well, just hope that there's abundant supply of milk, plenty of sleep and tonnes of toys! Yeah! Oh Daddy and mummy, can I wish for a sister too? hehe...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, January 02, 2007