Daddy and Mummy went back to work :'(
Today is the first day of school, not for me though, but for my dearest Daddy and Mummy. My parents are both teachers and they had to get up really early in order to reach school before the session begins. I missed them very much when I woke up without them :'( However, I was a good boy when left in the care of our domestic helper, Eni.
I was exhilarated when Daddy and Mummy came home from work. Though they were tired, they played with me until bedtime. As usual, Daddy and Mummy would sing lullaby to me and pat me till I drift off to my dreamland. Well, its time to ZZzzz...
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Aunty Vivian and Uncle Alan's ROMToday was aunty Vivian and uncle Alan's ROM in a restaurant at Clarke Quay. Daddy and Mummy brought me over to aunty Vivian's house in the
morning and we watched the make-up artist 'paint' aunty VIvian's face. Wow! Aunty Vivian's face was more colourful than Mummy's face. Haha.
At the restaurant, we took many photographs of ourselves (opps... haha) and Daddy Mummy really enjoyed the scrumptious spread. I enjoyed myself too! Hope there are more weddings to attend! !
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Looking back at 2006
2006 was undoubtedly an eventful year for Daddy and Mummy. Aspiring to be young parents, Daddy and Mummy understood the sacrifices necessary and embrace parenthood at the age of 30 and 25 respectively. My arrival delighted many and I am synonymous with contentment. Mummy often look back at her pregnancy journey with a smile; I know she misses the kicking sensation I gave her. Sometimes I can tell that mummy is blaming me for the state of her postpartum figure. Opps...
For year 2007, Daddy's resolution is to lose weight. (We'll see if that happens heheheeee....) Mummy on the other hand wishes to achieve work-life balance. I know she can do that as women can multi-task better than men, isn't it? For me.... well, just hope that there's abundant supply of milk, plenty of sleep and tonnes of toys! Yeah! Oh Daddy and mummy, can I wish for a sister too? hehe...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Donovan's Food Galatine(Frozen food)
Wow! Since 4 months old, Mummy has been diligently preparing my weaning foods personally. Occassionally, she recruits help from Daddy. So far, I have had carrot, pea, broccoli, pumpkin and now she's preparing mango which is packed with lots of Vit C. Tomorrow, she'll be making apricot puree for me... Can't wait :p
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Great-Grandfather's Birthday
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, December 31, 2006