Donovan's Food Galatine(Frozen food)
Wow! Since 4 months old, Mummy has been diligently preparing my weaning foods personally. Occassionally, she recruits help from Daddy. So far, I have had carrot, pea, broccoli, pumpkin and now she's preparing mango which is packed with lots of Vit C. Tomorrow, she'll be making apricot puree for me... Can't wait :p
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Great-Grandfather's Birthday
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Im a 'hot' babe!!!This morning at 4am, I woke up feeling like a red burning charcoal. Mummy picked me up intending to feed me but was shocked by the high temperature. Mummy woke daddy immediately who fetched my medicine.
I swallowed with disgust. Shortly after, I couldn't get back to sleep. So I decided to stay awake till morning. Poor mummy, who stayed awake with me, but was secretly dozing off at work. Haha.... After more doses of medicine, Im now better.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Immunisation day...
Today, I was due for yet another of the vaccination jabs. Initially, Daddy and Mummy cleanly forgotten about it. Luckily, mum recalled at the last minute and woke daddy up to get us prepared to go to the polyclinic.
As usual, it was daddy who carried me as the nurse administers the jab. Mummy was a scaredy cat who avoided the daunting task. Daddy and Mummy said I was very brave today. Just a mini short cry and Im cool again. Call me Cool-Don (Not Udon hor....).
Dictated by
donovan tan
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
Attacking the 'Cranky' Babe..
I was attacked by my 'comedian' dad. Although I was in pyjamas didn't mean that I needed to sleep immediately rite.... ? I just wanted to make fun of daddy mahhh.... hurhurhurhurrrr..........
Suddenly, I was hit by a 'big log'.....
Dictated by
donovan tan
Friday, December 22, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Caught in the Act!!!!..
Why am I always being spied by them????... Can't I do something I really enjoy... Evil daddy and mummy....
Dictated by
donovan tan
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The 3 "Fat_Kerteers" ...
My daddy and mummy have always been complaining about their 'body'. Why do they have to do that? They already have me, a chubby little baby.
After they show me their photo taken in Feb 2005, I can understand why they're always complaining.. hahahahaaaa.... Looks so different!!!!!
P.S.: I've always been thinking.. "If I can't get slimmer, make my daddy and mummy fat too." Hurhurhurrr........
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My god-daddy
This is my god-daddy. My daddy and mummy call him Ah-Heng. But when I'm a little older, I'm going to call him heng-heng-god-daddy... hope he'll bring me luck! My god-daddy loves me. He gave me a gold anklet when I was a month old and he is always volunteering to carry me around.
I hope he will give me a huge ang bao 大红包 this coming chinese new year! Haha, and not forgetting those delicious 肉干!yeah yeah!
Dictated by
donovan tan
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Friday, December 8, 2006
Dictated by
donovan tan
Friday, December 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Monday, December 4, 2006
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, December 04, 2006
Yeah... I just went out to take our family portrait with daddy, mummy, grandpa, grandma, 大伯 and 姑姑 yesterday.. It was so fun... I also took a photo with daddy and mummy outside the studio. Do you think I look cute... Hahahaaaa...This is the very first time I took photo together with so many people in our family. Mummy said that if I'm to have more siblings, we will be going to take the family portrait again.. Wow.. so excited. Can't wait to have more siblings... heeeee... Ok, Sse all of you again next time.. Bye
Dictated by
donovan tan
Monday, December 04, 2006
Sunday, December 3, 2006
My very first solid foods... Yummyyy...
Hello everyone, I'm back again. I just got started with solid foods recently and I love them very much... Hur Hur Hur.....
I was first given mixed blended pear and baby rice which i finished them all. Although it tasted a bit sour (reviewed by my facial expression) it tasted better after some time.
My parents had spent quite some time to get the texture and consistency of the foods right, so that I'll not get any indigestion. They bought a new blender and a sieve to prepare my food. They are now better in preparing my solid foods.. hahahahaaaa...
Dictated by
donovan tan
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
20th July 2006, Mummy woke up with unusual cramps. She knew she had an appointment with her gynaecologist Dr K.T. Tan at KK Hospital that afternoon. She took a nice long bath before making her way to the hopital. Mummy had to take a cab to the hospital as Daddy was already at work.
Mummy was too early for her appointment, so she headed towards Delifrance for her favourite Seafood Baguette while killing time. As she was enjoying her sandwich, the cramps started to get increasingly unusual and uncomfortable. "Ooh-oh!", Mummy thought. "Something is not right". Mummy then wobbled to the room designated for her scan and true enough, the nurse spotted irregularities in my heartbeat and quickly sends for Dr Tan. Dr Tan detected a drop in my heartbeat and checked that Mummy was 1.5cm dilated. Since the case, she had Mummy wheelchaired to the delivery suite immediately!(2:30pm) Oh, did I forget to mention that it was Daddy's birthday that day?
Mummy was petrified by the sudden decision as she wasn't mentally prepared for labour that day. She SMSed Daddy immediately, who applied for time off and sped down BKE-PIE to be with her. I could hear Mummy bursting into tears when Daddy arrived.
Shortly after, a Doctor on duty came in to adminster the medicine to induce birth as my heartbeat was really low. The Doctor explained that if the medicine failed to induce labour, I had to be delivered via C-section. However, Mummy was great! She managed to dilate to 6cm within 4 hours though the contractions were horribly unbearable.
Dr Tan came in at 7:30pm and broke Mummy's water bag. Having low treshold for pain, Mummy begged for the Epidural, a medicine adminstered by injection at the spine to numb the body from waist down. 4 hours later, Dr Tan walked into the delivery suite and started instructing Daddy to assist Mummy with the delivery.
Dr Tan was superb! She cheekily threatened that if Mummy still can't push me out, I'll turn blue halfway through the birth canal. Mummy got really worried and she put in all her might and yes! I was out by the 4th push!
I was born at 2354, 20th July 2006, sharing the same birthday as my Daddy. The nurse said I was a tall boy, 51cm. I weighed 3.185kg with a head circumference of 31cm. Daddy said he was worried for a while as I didn't initiate my first cry moments after I was born. However, I managed to let out a short cry, filling my little lungs with air, and that made Mummy and Daddy felt relieved.
Dictated by
donovan tan
Friday, December 01, 2006